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Guaranteed Rat Control, Removal, & Prevention in Orlando Florida

If I have one rat, are there more?

Rats tend to live in groups, which we humans often refer to as packs. Within a single pack of rats, there can be many individuals, usually formed into a hierarchy with a more dominant males and females which rule the roost. Females are likely to keep together with the babies in a nesting area, and that nesting area is likely to be somewhere cool, quiet and dark. Your attic provides the perfect place to raise a family if you’re a rat, and crawl spaces, wall cavities and plenty of other places around your home (or commercial building) can fall prey.

If you have one rat in your home, it won’t be long before you have a massive infestation on your hands. This is definitely the case if you choose to ignore the rat. Even a rat outside your home - in your back or front yard - can be a bad sign. If a rat has come close enough to your home for you to see it, particularly during the day, trouble is afoot. Rats are generally nocturnal creatures, but they can be disturbed from their nests if humans (or other prey) interrupt their slumbers, or if a really tempting source of food can be found. Just like squirrels and hamsters, these rodents will hoard food for later on if they find a good stash that they can take stuff from regularly. This good stash cold be a chewed-through packet of rice in the kitchen cupboard, or even dog or cat biscuits / dry food left in a bowl on the pantry floor. The nest could be in your attic.

One rat will leave scent markings to other rats. This will consist of pheromones in their urine, which they spray quite literally as they run around. Other rats in the group will pick up on this and move in too, and it won't be long before they’re all breeding. For the record, a female can have five or six litters in one twelve month period, with as many as ten to fifteen baby rats in each litter. They can also fall pregnant as soon as they have given birth, even known in some cases to mate and fall pregnant while they are still nursing their last litter to be born. Out of the rat babies born, not all of them will survive, but when you consider that it takes just three or four weeks for those babies to become sexually active, and then the fact that they will breed with each other - siblings or otherwise - and you can understand the rather large problem you have on your hands.

One female rat + one male rat ALONE can produce somewhere in the region of 50 baby rats in one year. There can often be hundreds of rats in a single pack. Even if there were ten rats in a single pack, and there were five females in that pack, that’s still 250 potential baby rats in one year, and that's before those baby rats start having babies too.

Culling a large portion of a rat pack will not encourage them to leave your home. In fact, all it will do is encourage them to reproduce at a faster rate. Females will fall pregnant the second they have given birth, and the males will keep mating with every female they come across, multiple-ejaculations in many cases, until rat numbers are built right back up again. This is why you will often need to resort to using several traps in your rat-trapping efforts, and also why you’ll want to get right on the ball and make sure your home is sealed and well-protected immediately.

If you see one rat, there are almost always others hiding in the shadows somewhere. They’re probably mating with each other right now …

For more rat information, visit our rat removal tips page, or for more specific how-to instructions, read the how to get rid of rats page with 6 step-by-step instructions. If you have a problem with rats above your ceiling in your house, read my rats in the attic guide. The most important part of rat control is sealing shut entry holes into the building, but after you've done that, you'll want to know how to kill rats humanely to complete the rat control job. If you need to hire professional help in your city, click on my directory of over 200 rat removal companies servicing 95% of the USA. we can help your with your rat problem!
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Tel: 407-233-3838      Cell: 407-956-1268      Residential & Commercial      Licensed & Insured