What to do about rats in a rental property
You will need to work out a few things before you make any action about the rats in a rental property
situation you have found yourself with. You should take a peek at your tenancy agreement to start with.
You will need to work out whose responsibility it is to get rid of those rodents, and sometimes it will
state in your tenancy agreement. In fact, this is an important thing to check out whenever you move into
any property, particularly if you are renting. Rats are common in all parts of the world, but there are
certain areas across the United States where they are prominent.
How long have you lived in the property? Do you think the rats were there before you moved in? It doesn’t take
long for a small pack of rats to grow in a much larger one, reproducing every five weeks or so. If the rats have
moved in AFTER you have moved in, they may have done so because of something YOU have done. If that is the case,
the responsibility of getting rid of them may lie at YOUR feet.
Your landlord will be responsibility for the general maintenance of your home, and ensuring rats can’t get in included as
part of that maintenance. That means that you should report a rat infestation problem to your landlord, or the agency through
which you have rented, to ensure you can get it resolved as soon as possible. If the rats were there BEFORE you moved in, the
problem is not caused by you in any way. Either way, whether you have caused the rat infestation or not, you should report it
You could call in the rat removal experts, but you will need to remember that there is a good chance you will liable for the cost
if you do this. In some cases, with much larger rat packs and infestations, the repairs and removal costs can run into the hundreds,
and potentially even thousands of dollars. It might be the case you could be held liable for the rat removal costs, particularly if it
can be proved that the rat infestation was caused because of something you had done, and the repairs might end up being your responsibility
also. If the problem was there before you moved in, however, all of the costs would lie at the feet of your landlord, and maybe even the
people that lived in the property before you did.
Reporting should be your number one priority, but keeping your eyes peeled should be your second. You should jot down any areas of the home
that you feel could be a weak spot - an area that the rodents could be using to gain access. This could be both inside and outside of your
home, and should be covered in an extensive home inspection. As wildlife removal experts, we perform a 32-point inspection around the property
to hunt out these weak spots and patches of damage.
You should also consider trying to resolve the issue yourself, if it is a minor task. This could be sealing a hole with metal flashing, for
example, and setting a couple of rats traps to get rid of the rodent that is now held within your home. It might be quicker to do this than to
rely on the agency or your landlord to deal with it.
For more rat information, visit our rat removal tips page, or for more specific how-to instructions, read the how to get rid of rats page with 6 step-by-step instructions.
If you have a problem with rats above your ceiling in your house, read my rats in the attic guide. The most important part of rat control is sealing shut entry holes into the building, but after
you've done that, you'll want to know how to kill rats humanely to complete the rat control job. If you need to hire professional help in your city, click on my directory of over
200 rat removal companies servicing 95% of the USA. we can help your with your rat problem!
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